
"A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery, author and aviator (29 Jun 1900-1944)

This is a curated list of links to interesting information.

Table of Contents

Contributing to open source

Github Guides

How to Contribute to Open Source

GitHub Learning Lab

A course on Version Control with Git

A course on How to Use Git and GitHub

A successful Git branching model

Civic Hacking

Civic Innovation Toolkit: How to run a civic hackathon

How to get started in civic hacking

Scraping the global civic tech community on GitHub, part 2

3 models for civic hackers: Green field, cloned, augmentation

Civic patterns

Open data

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Data Science for Social Good

2600+ Open Data Portals Around the World

Practical guide to building future proof Open Data Portals

Open Data Goldbook for Data Managers and Data Holders

European Data Portal e-learning programme

Business Modeling

Value Proposition Canvas Explained

Dragon Dreaming Project Design

Social Architecture

Social Architecture

All the TIPs from Social Architecture

Jake Calabrese on Building Antifragile Teams and Relationships

Proposing a Bottom-Up Approach to Civic Tech Organizing

The Copenhagen Catalog - 150 principles for a new direction in tech

User Experience

3 Critical UX Questions You Must Ask

The Five Planes of UX Design

Facebook Design

Decision Making

Daniel Kahneman - Intelligent Decision-Making

How to apply a design thinking, HCD, UX or any creative process from scratch

Machine Learning

A curated list of awesome Machine Learning frameworks, libraries and software

The amazing power of word vectors

Semantic Word Embeddings

Convolutional neural networks/

Attention and memory in deep learning and NLP

CS224d: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing

Rada Mihalcea’s research materials

Anca Chereches’ resources

European Commision

Data sources and use cases

Accelerating the digital transformation of government


Nesta - Help me innovate


The Lean Startup

The Lean Product Playbook

O’Reilly Open Book Project

Freely available programming books

Open Government

Beyond Transparency: Open Data and the Future of Civic Innovation

Open Government Data

School of Data Handbook

Citizen Engineer

Applying open source principles to government

Civic Apps Competition Handbook: A Guide to Planning, Organizing, and Troubleshooting

the Just City essays

Other Projects

Code4America - Awesome Civic Software


Poplus: a global federation for civic tech

Take control of your data




Your Priorities

Save The Internet

Ciudadano Inteligente

Global Network Initiative

Standby Task Force - A humanitarian link


La Quadrature du Net - Tools



Where Does My Money Go?

Civic Commons Wiki

Don’t Let Yourself Be Silenced


Open City Apps

Code for All

OpenPlans @ github

OCCRP Visualization Tools for Investigators

OCCRP Investigative Dashboard


CHVote: an opensource, publicly owned evoting system


Data-Smart City Solutions

Github and Government